CRPF Annual Summary 2021
This edition, produced in collaboration with the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs and UNICEF, comprises 14 summaries of presentations covering a wide range of issues relevant to children and young people in Ethiopia, many of which are very relevant to the current context, including on child labour, sexual abuse of street children, programmes and strategies to prevent child marriage, the role of social protection, migration and young people’s resilience. There are also topics relating to crisis notably on Covid-19 and its impact on maternal and child health and climate change and its impact on education.
Most of the presentations address gender issues either directly or indirectly. This includes child labour, child marriage, parenting, the effects of the health extension programme on children’s wellbeing, adolescents access to education, and their psychosocial wellbeing. There are important thematic contributions on the following issues: education, maternal, child and mental health, child and social protection, youth development and their transitions to adulthood.