"I want to work independently”: Challenges for Young People in Ethiopia Looking for Decent and Satisfying Work
Drawing on a qualitative study of young people in five rural and five urban communities who are part of the Young Lives longitudinal study of 3,000 children and young people in Ethiopia, this policy brief examines the different kinds of jobs and income-generating work young men and women do on their own and in groups and the difficulties they face in finding paid work.
This brief is based on the following paper: Pankhurst, A. and Y. Tafere (2020) Jobs, Businesses and Cooperatives: Young Men and Women’s Transitions to Employment and Generating Income in Ethiopia, Young Lives Working Paper 191, Oxford: Young Lives and is one of a set of eight briefs summarising key findings and policy implications from eight corresponding working papers based on the research for the Young Lives fifth-wave qualitative survey in 2019.